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HOME > News > Secretary-General of ASEAN attends a working lunch hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia
Published: 04 December,2024 | Updated: 04 December,2024
Secretary-General of ASEAN attends a working lunch hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur,December 3 (AseanAll)  — On the occasion of his Working Visit to Malaysia, Secretary-General of ASEAN, Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, on December 3, 2024 attended a working lunch hosted by Dato’ Seri Utama Haji Mohamad bin Haji Hasan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia. 

They discussed a wide range of issues, with a particular emphasis on the preparations for Malaysia’s Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2025. 

Dr. Kao reaffirmed the ASEAN Secretariat’s unwavering support to the Incoming ASEAN Chair towards the realisation of its key priorities and deliverables under the Chairmanship theme “Inclusivity and Sustainability.”