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HOME > Travel > Free entry to SEA Games and Para Games for locals and foreigners
Published: 08 April,2023 | Updated: 08 April,2023
Free entry to SEA Games and Para Games for locals and foreigners

Phnom Penh,  April 8 (AseanAll)  — The Southeast Asian Games and ASEAN Para Games will open to all, free of charge, including both Cambodian citizens and visiting foreigners.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen made this decision in the meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 31, 2023.

General Tea Banh, Cambodian Defence Minister and president of the National Committee for Organising the 32nd  SEA Games and the 12th ASEAN Para Games, said in a letter on March 31 that entry to all sporting tournaments would be free.

“Both Cambodians and foreigners are allowed to obtain free tickets and attend the opening and closing ceremonies and all sports events of the 32nd SEA Games and the 12th ASEAN Para Games,” Tea Banh said.

He added that everyone who had bought tickets already will be refunded.

He said that Cambodia will cancel all fees for foreign broadcasts of both the SEA Games and the Para Games.

In the past, many SEA Games member countries have reacted to the high cost of broadcasting abroad.

The SEA Games, held for the first time in Cambodia after 64 years of waiting, is a historic event and a source of national pride.The logo for this year’s games is, “Sports: Live in Peace.”

The Royal Government of Cambodia considers the organization of this event as a diplomatic policy to enhance Cambodia’s reputation.

The Southeast Asian Games, also known as the SEA Games, is a biennial multi-sport event involving participants from the current 11 countries of Southeast Asia. The 32nd edition will be held from 5 to 17 May 2023 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In addition, the 12th ASEAN Para Games will run from 3 June to 9 June 2023 in Phnom Penh.