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HOME > Encyclopedia > ASEAN-Japan Centre
Published: 02 December,2022 | Updated: 02 December,2022
ASEAN-Japan Centre

ASEAN-Japan Centre Overview

The ASEAN-Japan Centre was established on May 25, 1981 based on the Agreement Establishing the ASEAN Promotion Centre on Trade, Investment and Tourism signed between the governments of the founding member countries of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, and Japan. Later on, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar acceded to the Agreement. Now all 10 ASEAN Member States and Japan are members of the Centre.

Originally, the Secretariat was located on the 6th floor of the World Import Mart Building, Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. In April 1987, the Centre was relocated to the Central Building in Ginza 4-chome. In March 2009, the Centre was relocated to the Shin Onarimon Building in Shimbashi, where it currently remains.


to promote exports from ASEAN to Japan

to accelerate flow of investment flows between Japan and ASEAN

to vitalize tourist traffic between Japan and ASEAN

to  expand exchanges of persons between Japan and ASEAN



The ASEAN-Japan Centre consists of a Council, an Executive Board and a Secretariat.


The supreme policy-making body of the organization, consisting of 11 directors appointed by and representing each Member State

Approves the annual program and budget, appoints the Secretary General, etc.

Executive Board

Consists of 11 representatives appointed by each Member State

Supervises the activities of the Secretariat so that the decisions of the Council are implemented

Advises the Secretary General when necessary


The executive arm of the organization. Led by the Secretary General, it consists of the Office of Secretary General, the Office of General Affairs and one operational department consisting of the Research and Policy Analysis (RPA) Cluster, the Capacity Building (CB) Cluster, the Trade and Investment (TI) Cluster and the Tourism and Exchange (TE) Cluster

Executes the annual program and implements the decisions of the Council

ASEAN Secretariat and the AJC

The ASEAN-Japan Centre is an intergovemental organization, independent from the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia. While the ASEAN Secretariat was established at the ASEAN Summit in 1976, the ASEAN-Japan Centre was established by an agreement between governments of ASEAN Member States and Japan in 1981, aiming at promoting trade, investment and tourism between ASEAN and Japan.

The Centre has developed cooperative relationship with the ASEAN Secretariat in broader areas while maintaining close contact with each Member State through their government, their embassies in Japan as well as related offices in the fields of trade, investment and tourism.



(ASEAN Promotion Centre on Trade, Investment and Tourism)

Shin Onarimon Bldg.,

6-17-19 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004

Office of the Secretary General / Office of General Affairs

   Tel. 81-(0)3-5402-8002 Fax. 81-(0)3-5402-8003

Research and Policy Analysis Cluster

   Tel. 81-(0)3-5402-8004 Fax. 81-(0)3-5402-8005

Capacity Building Cluster

   Tel. 81-(0)3-5402-8116 Fax. 81-(0)3-5402-8005

Trade and Investment Cluster

   Tel. 81-(0)3-5402-8006 Fax. 81-(0)3-5402-8007

Tourism and Exchange Cluster

   Tel. 81-(0)3-5402-8008 Fax. 81-(0)3-5402-8009

Office hours:9:30a.m.-5:30p.m. Monday-Friday